Our Mission is to work collaboratively across jurisdictions and between the education and health sectors to support optimal health, well-being, and learning of children and youth in school communities.
The Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) was established by provincial, territorial, and federal governments in 2005 as a means of bringing together two large systems – Education and Health – across the country in order to improve health, well-being, and achievement outcomes in Canadian children and youth.
Representatives of the Education and Health ministries of 12 provinces and territories, along with the Public Health Agency of Canada work together to enhance Canadian students’ Kindergarten to Grade 12 public school experience, using a Comprehensive School Health approach.
JCSH Priority Areas
Core Priorities
Evolving Priorities
Explore JCSH Initiatives
View a selection of our available toolkits and resources below.
Recognizing youth engagement as a culture and practice that can enhance comprehensive school health, JCSH has developed a Youth Engagement Toolkit. Youth engagement is an integral component of health promoting schools and an evidence-based strategy to achieve positive health outcomes and enhance student achievement.
Student well-being is not only influenced by problems or risk areas, but also by the strengths and protective factors that exist in school, home and community environments. Fostering school well-being is about adopting practices that contribute to well-being, engagement and performance.
Recognizing the lack of an evidence-based Canadian framework to understand the effects of Comprehensive School Health (CSH) initiatives on student achievement, in the spring of 2013, JCSH commissioned the Social Program Evaluation Group (SPEG) at Queen’s University to develop a set of Core Indicators and Measures (CIM).
Our News.
JCSH News and Resource Bundle – JCSH regularly sends out a ‘news bundle’ comprising stories that reflect issues, challenges, achievements in school communities, nationally and internationally. The bundles also feature research literature briefs, weblinks, or other resources of interest. If you are interested in being on the mailing list for the news bundles, you are invited to join our mailing list below.
Comprehensive School Community Health eNewsletters
The Province of Saskatchewan offers an eNewsletter focused on Comprehensive School Community Health. The most recent CSCH eNewsletter is available and focuses on how to use the Comprehensive School Community Approach in school planning to address student education and health outcomes. Access the entire archive now.
School Health Stories
Explore school health stories from across Canada. Visit participating schools on our map and then watch videos and read submitted stories. You can even submit your own!
”Learn more about the Consortium, our members, partners, tools, and resources!
Our Highlights.
Explore our latest Web Site Highlights to the right. You can view them in English and French, and some other select languages, accessed with the language switcher at the bottom of the page.
Statement on Reconciliation
“All Canadians, as Treaty peoples, share responsibility for establishing and maintaining mutually respectful relationships.” The legacy of residential schools and…
Rethinking Conversation Around Youth Substance Use
The Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) worked with The Students Commission of Canada to develop a set of videos and resources on preventing youth substance use harms using a positive youth development approach.