JCSH Foundational Documents

Read the Agreements and documents that created and guide the Joint Consortium

JCSH Agreement 2020-2025

In 2005, provincial and territorial ministers of Education and provincial and territorial ministers of Health and the federal Minister of Health established the Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) to facilitate a comprehensive and coordinated approach to health promotion in the school setting. The JCSH received a second five-year mandate from the federal, provincial, and territorial deputy ministers of Health on June 19, 2009 and from the provincial and territorial deputy ministers of Education on September 03, 2009. A third mandate was signed by all parties on April 01, 2015.

By virtue of this agreement (“the Agreement”) being entered into by provincial and territorial Ministers of Education and the provincial and territorial Ministers of Health and/or Wellness, hereinafter collectively called “the Parties”, the JCSH is continued (2020-2025).

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JCSH Strategic Directions 2020-2025

During this mandate (2020 – 2025), member jurisdictions will anticipate and provide timely evidence-based responses to emerging health and well-being issues that impact students’ overall learning and long-term development. By working together through the JCSH and continuing to apply the CSH framework, member jurisdictions can assist each other in building ‘upstream’ preventive responses to current and emerging priorities. The initial priorities for a fourth JCSH mandate include:

  • Problematic substance use, with a strong initial focus on vaping;
  • Mental well-being, including social-emotional learning, resiliency, anxiety, protective factors and disruptive behaviours; and,
  • School food environment, including the alignment of healthy eating school food policies and priorities through the comprehensive school health approach.

During the course of this mandate, specific topics and areas of focus will evolve and change.

The JCSH is positioned as the foundational platform to support provincial and territorial ministers working together to meet emerging health, well-being, and learning issues. With a focus on these current and emerging priorities, the member jurisdictions of the JCSH are able to identify and support solutions and courses of action to improve student health, well-being, and learning.

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JCSH Annual Report 2024

Established in 2005, the Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) is a formal partnership of federal, provincial, and territorial governments working together to promote the health, well-being, and achievement of children and youth in the school setting. Recognizing that every province and territory has initiatives in place to foster healthy school environments, JCSH brings together key representatives of government departments responsible for health and education for the following purposes:

  • Strengthen cooperation among ministries, agencies, departments and others in support of healthy schools
  • Build the capacity of the health and education sectors to work together more effectively and efficiently
  • Promote understanding of, and support for, the concept and benefits of comprehensive school health initiatives

In 2020, the Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Education and Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for Health and/or Wellness committed to the current five-year JCSH mandate (2020-2025).

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If you would like help finding the resources you need, contact the Joint Consortium for School Health today!